#1 New York Times Bestseller
The Modern Science Of Mental Health

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Chapter 1: Introduction To Dianetics
What Is The Cause Of Self-Doubt, Negative Emotion And Irrational Behavior?
Do you know someone who has never fully recovered from a serious loss in life? Or a traumatic experience? And in your own day to day life, do you sometimes experience self-doubts, negative thoughts, unreasonable fears, upsets or irrational behaviour?
The painful experiences of our past clearly have an effect upon our present behaviour. But to what degree and why?
What causes the mind to depart from rational thought or behaviour?
That is the subject of Dianetics.

Chapter 2: What Is Life Doing?
As you go through life, what’s driving you? In other words, what motivates your actions and decisions? What are you ultimately trying to do? What is the goal of life?
Well, let’s take a look at that blade of grass that’s forced its way up through the sidewalk.
What’s it doing? It’s surviving – just like every living thing, including you.
It’s as if every living thing is obeying one basic command – and that command is to SURVIVE!
SURVIVE is the one thing common to all life.
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Chapter 3: How the Mind Thinks

Chapter 4: Mechanics of the Mind

Chapter 5: The Engram

Chapter 6: How the Mind Can Make the Body Ill

Chapter 7: Prenatal Experience

Chapter 8: Painful Emotion Engrams
Success Stories
It was in a Dianetics therapy session that I discovered the cause of the migraine headaches and handle it! Today, I don’t get migraine headaches! They’re gone.
I feel free now, much more at ease with myself rather than a burden to others. The method is one-of-a-kind. The way the pain goes away is amazing.
Within 3 hours of auditing I totally handled the “Baby Blues” and came out smiling.