An “engram” contains many things: pain and unconsciousness, and all the perceptions of the incident. But by far the most damaging of these are the spoken words recorded when you’re unconscious.
Like hypnotic suggestion, these recording can be triggered by something in the environment and cause you to think and behave irrationally.
Here is an example of a woman who receives an engram containing spoke language:
This woman is knocked unconscious. Her Analytical Mind has shut down and her Reactive Mind is now recording everything that is happening to and around here. She is told that she is a faker (“You are such a faker!”), that she is no good (“You are no good.”), that she is always messing things up (“You’re always messing things up!”) and that she is always changing her mind (“You’re always changing you mind!”).
The recording of this engram contains a running record of all her perceptions. In addition to the spoke words, the engram also contains the sound and pain of the kick [the woman was kicked by her husband], the feel of the floor [as she lay knocked down], the sounds of the chair overturning and objects being thrown on the floor, the sound of a motor cycle passing on the street below, and a faucet [tap] running in the bathroom, as well as the smell of the man attacking her and the tone and emotion in his voice. The fact that she is unconscious is also included in that engram, along with all the other perceptions. To her reactive mind, the pain of the kick is identified with the overturning chair which is identified with the running faucet [tap] which is identified with the fact that she is a “faker”, that she is “no good” and changes her mind, which is identified with the voice tones and emotions of the man. Every single perception in this engram equals every other perception in this engram. This engram now lies hidden in her Reactive Mind and it can lie there dormant for a very long time, until something activates it.
What causes this activation?
In the future, when this woman is tired or stressed out and her present environment contains enough similarities to the elements found in the engram, that engram will become active.
For example, if one evening the faucet [tap] were running and she heard the sound of a motor cycle passing by outside and at the same time her husband was yelling at someone in a similar tone of voice as he used in the original incident, the engram would become activated.
This is called a “key-in”. A key-in is the first time an engram gets activated. She might experience a pain in her leg where she was kicked earlier. The pain is her Reactive Mind’s stupid attempt to warn her that she is in a dangerous place, that she should leave, and the words spoke in the engram [eg: “you’re always changing your mind!”] will become commands in the present and she will “change her mind”. And although her husband was accusing her of faking her injury at that moment, her Reactive Mind will take that comment very literally [and she might feel like a faker or that others think she is a faker].

This woman thinks she’s made these decisions rationally. She thinks she’s worried about her argument with her husband [in the present]. She has no idea that she is nervous because her engram has been keyed in. And once keyed in it can easily be played back again and again.
For example, some time later when this woman is tired or stressed, she hears a man yelling at someone as a motor cycle passes by. These are “restimulators”; things in her environment that are similar enough to the perceptions in the engram to cause it to become reactivated – or “restimulated”. She starts to feel nervous but she doesn’t know why. When her child knocks over a vase, she begins to act out the engram. In other words, she will say and do to her child exactly what her husband said and did to her [She shouts at her child, “you’re always messing things up!” and “you’re such a faker!”].
This behaviour is called “dramatization”. Dramatization is a replay in the present of something that happened in the past. An engram is simply a recording, like a phonograph record. You don’t hear it until something causes it to play.
When an engram gets restimulated, the Reactive Mind merely plays back the recording and one may act exactly as the people contained in that engram. Doing and saying exactly the same things that were done and said to you.
But language is isn’t the only thing recorded in an engram. There is, amongst other things, the sensation of pain. After all, you were injured or ill when you receivedit. So, if the language in an engram gets dramatized, what do you think happened when the recording plays back that pain?